Tuesday, December 24, 2013

[30 Day Challenge] Day 5 - 10 Items From Your Wishlist

This is going to be a fun post! Today's topic in the 30 Day Lolita Challenge is "10 items from your wishlist". I don't have a particular order in which I want these lovely dresses. I'm also hoping that if I get any of these beauties I can aquire them in a set too.

1. Angelic Pretty "Sugary Carnival" (any style, and colorway except pink)

2. Angelic Pretty "Magical Etoile" (any style/colorway)

3. Metamorphose "Popping Balloon" OP in cream

4. Angelic Pretty "Radiant Candlelight" jsk in wine

5. Alice and The Pirates "Masquerade Theatre" jsk in navy

6. Sayaka Kanada x Angelic Pretty "Melty ChocoLapin" OP

7. Angelic Pretty "Sweetie Chandelier" jsk (any colorway except black)

8. Angelic Pretty "Star Night Theatre" OP/Bare Top jsk in blue

9. Angelic Pretty "Merry Making Party" OP (Yellow or navy)

10. Metamorphose "Twinkle Journey" (All styles/colorways)

I love a lot of Angelic Pretty dream dresses, ha ha ha! What are some of your wishlist items, lovelies?

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