Sunday, December 22, 2013

[30 Day Challenge] Day 3 - 10 Things You Hate About Lolita

Today's topic of for the 30 Day Lolita Challenge is "10 things you hate about lolita". Now you may be thinking that there is nothing that a lolita enthusiast like myself could hate anything about lolita, but there is some things that I absolutely do not like.

 The stigmatism behind the term "brand whore". A brandwhore lolita is someone who thinks that brand lolita is the only acceptable lolita garment, and anything else is "wrong". There are plenty of lolita who choose to dress in only brand, but do not have this mind set. I hate that it is automatically assumed that any lolita with a wardrobe full of brand looks down on those who own offbrand.

 I hate when socks are advertised as over-the-knee but barely cover the knee.

 I hate how judgemental the community can be. I've heard so many horror stories of lolitas teasing other lolitas for their weight, height, alternative life styles that I really have had no desire to attend any meet up.

 I hate bonnets. I think they look good on the models and other lolitas, but I think they are dumb.

 I hate when lolitas that cannot afford brand try to make those who can feel guilty.

 I really dislike the ero-loli sub-genre.

 I hate the term "Ita". Ita is a term given to fledgling lolitas by elitest lolitas because they think they are wannabes. Everyone starts somewhere.

 I'm not a fan of the rocking horse shoe.

 I really hate how the stereotypical lolita bang is the straight across, push broom bang. In my opnion it looks bad on everyone.

 What I hate most about lolita is... How much I love it! Lolita is something that I put a lot of my money into and takes away from my hobbies such as cosplay and my video game let's plays.

A lot of the things I dislike are community based, and I hope that I didn't trigger anyone. I am always open to discussions if any of you lovelies want to talk lolita "politics".

Thanks for reading! ☆彡

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